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Technology is developing faster than ever before. New plugins, widgets and apps to help you communicate and do business with your target audience are developed constantly. Ideally you don’t want to wait until you finally redesign your website to start using them. To stay relevant and survive in a competitive market you want to adopt these developments as they are happening. It is the only way to meet the rapidly changing and growing expectations of your customers. WordPress is the preferred content management systems used by WECREATE that allows you to adopt useful technological developments as and when they come to market.

WordPress is an online content management tool for creating and managing websites (just to be clear, WordPress doesn’t host your website, for this you still need a web hosting provider). WordPress runs online so you don’t need to download any desktop software to be able to use it, giving you great flexibility. But apart from online efficiency, there are many more reasons why you should consider using WordPress for your website. We have made a list of the five most important reasons for using WordPress.

1. Cost

WordPress is open-source and free to use. So technically your WordPress site could be absolutely free. However, if you need more than the basics then WordPress offers various subscription options to meet your needs. These different plans accommodate the demands of almost every website imaginable. More functions, widgets, and plugins mean a higher subscription cost but even the most expensive subscription plan is extremely affordable.

2. Flexibility

WordPress is flexible in more than one way. First of all, using WordPress means that you can easily add or take away functions, making it scalable to your business needs. WordPress also enables you to adopt new technical online tools as they become available. In short, WordPress can be as complex or as simple as you want it to be. How you use WordPress and what features you want to take advantage of is completely up to you, all options are open to everyone.

3. SEO Friendly

Google and other search engines love WordPress. This is because by design WordPress uses standard compliance high-quality code and produces semantic markup. Semantic markup is HTML that introduces meaning to the web page rather than just presentation. If you want to optimize your website even further there is also the option of using WordPress SEO plugins.

4. Easy to manage

Even for non-tech savvy people, WordPress is simple to manage. WordPress has a built-in dashboard to update content, plugins and themes. As WordPress is an online content management tool you can make updates through this password-protected dashboard at any time from anywhere. You can even access your dashboard through WordPress mobile apps when you are on the go. In the case of system updates, WordPress will notify you so you can update your site when there is a new version of WordPress available by simply clicking a button.

5. Security

WordPress is used by about one-third of all websites across the globe. Even huge companies such as CNN and UPS use it. With this in mind we think it’s safe to say that your site will be in good hands with WordPress. That said, whether it’s on WordPress or not, you should always do what you can to protect your website as sadly there will always be intruders out there. WordPress offers advice on actionable steps that you can take to protect your website even more against security vulnerabilities.

We could go on with the list of reasons why you should use WordPress for your website. But why don’t you give us a call instead? At WECREATE we are always happy to inform and give advice. +852 2555 7220


Arthur is the motive behind advertising agency WECREATE. Founder, and since 2004 responsible for strategy, concept and design in the role of Creative Director.